Pride Month | Hermagic
Just like any other special day and great festival that we celebrate in societies, disability pride month celebrated in July is an important Month to celebrate, empower, speak against bullying, and mainly to love and cherish people with different physical disabilities. It’s a month where we have to come collaboratively to uplift the community that has the same acceptance that we share with each one of us with the disability pride month flag. It’s not a month where we look at them or treat differently to physically disabled people. Which means we call for the same acceptance in love and honesty.
More importantly, their disabilities should be empowered since their differences bring a unique contribution to society, with the way we perceive success and new possibilities, and with the way we accept and love each other. It’s also a time when physically disabled people should come out together to break through the ostracised visibility create but people. Break through against limitation, boundaries, and internalized ableism. A time when the disability community should come as one to uplift, encourage, empower, and be each other’s voice. It should be seen as a beautiful part of human diversity.
Disability Pride Month is also a time to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and enduring efforts that come from the disability community. The level of dedication they put to make their dream come true should be motivated and exalted. Disability Pride Month is a time to make collaborative awareness by promoting inclusivity and acceptance in our society and in the meantime we should honestly acknowledge their experiences in their different phase of life.
Understand the Significance of Pride Month
1. Understanding Disability
Disability Pride Month is an opportunity to create awareness, recognize, to empower the power of disability. There are times when physically disabled people have a hard challenging time finding themselves fit in society due to the indiscriminate treatment that they have been labeled with inability. Therefore, such a time as this is an opportunity that they should be recognized and celebrated and praise the pride that these individuals have with their differences. They are a large part of our society and this pride month provides us with an opportunity to foster a sense of belonging within the disability community by tackling the stigma often associated with their disabilities.
Only by understanding their significance, we can alloy a place where unique abilities are cherished and promote the belief that disability is not to be considered a flaw.
2. Disability Pride Month to Create Awareness and Education
Of all the important reasons for this pride month for physically disabled people is to raise extensive awareness, and about different disabilities and educated people on the importance of challenges and victories experienced by these individuals with their disabilities. Only by promoting empathy and speaking against the stigmatization in the community will bring down those discriminating misconceptions. Together a time to challenge ableism. It is also important that by and large, we need to understand that disability is not a limitation but rather it’s a powerful component that transforms people’s lives. Only by creating collaborative and collective awareness and education, we can then have a society that values and respects the rights of these individuals.
3. Tackling Stereotypes
Tackling stereotypes is a major contribution we can make to uplift the disability community. Stereotypes and prejudices are a large part of discriminatory components that demean the community and only by speaking up against such lowering prejudice the lives of physically disabled people will have a great impact. Therefore, disability pride month is an opportunity to create a platform where these misconceptions, prejudice, and discrimination are challenged. To further add to this challenge by highlighting the achievements or distinguishing accomplishments that they have conquered in various fields.
For instance, the story of James Anthony Abbott is awe-inspiring she was a professional and a successful baseball pitcher. Despite her disability challenge, she was able to overcome her struggle and also inspired the disability community and abled people at large. It’s important to highlight their achievements, talents, and contributions in order to educate on the importance of their differences and how despite being physically different they have not backed down to mark their feat with their success. This will open the door to society with more inclusiveness and harmony.
4. Breaking the Barriers
Disability Pride Month is a time to remind each of us to break free of barriers that advocate limitations and boundaries. These barriers can come in any form to prevent an individual from progressing in life, it could be in terms of physical, architectural, societal, attitudinal, or bullying. These are something that disabled people are subjected to in one way or the other when we don’t have open minds about their condition. These are also something that some physically disabled people face on a daily basis. By breaking these barriers we can create a world where there is more freedom and where physically disabled people won’t have to fight a way to pursue their dreams. This inclusion calls for advocating equal rights and opportunities, fair treatment, and battling societal obstacles that prevent disabled individuals from exploring more.
It’s a time for society to see the bright side of disability. If we look at the immense contribution done by people who were physically disabled will lift the barriers. For instance, Stephen Hawkings who was a theoretical physicist made an impeccable contribution to the discipline of science. We are all amazed by his brilliance and by his resilient effort in the field of academia.
To sum up, Disability Pride Month 2023 is an important celebration. Celebrating the month with love and acceptance will have no boundaries to what extent we can inspire the physically disabled who may need this. Therefore, where we are take time to make the best out of this month. Our contribution will leave a long-lasting impact on each one of us. The goal is to create a society where we value differences, and where we learn to make people accept their differences rather than discriminate against people. A society where we create acceptance irrespective of abilities. On this important month let’s join hands together and celebrate the beauty of diversity, and foster each other’s talents that these disabilities bring. Create an opportunity for a better world where uniqueness will always find ways to bring great success to society. Visit Hermagic.